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Jupiter’s Digital Expansion: Innovation and Security in Graphic Management
Posted on Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Jupiter’s Digital Expansion: Innovation and Security in Graphic Management

Sept. 5, 2023 - The digital age has led companies to seek more flexible and secure solutions for information management. Considering this need, Jupiter’s Canvas software emerges as an essential tool, allowing real-time visualization and management in Control Centers and beyond. This collaborative and cooperative graphic management program has evolved considerably, adapting to the times and providing optimal solutions for mobile devices, being compatible with smartphones and tablets.

This evolution is more than just a response to the growing popularity of mobile devices. It reflects Jupiter’s commitment to provide products that are not only cutting-edge but also ensure the highest quality. One of its standout features is its ability to facilitate collaborative remote work. With Canvas Enterprise, users can manage real-time information sources, both internal and external, without compromising security.

Jupiter’s Canvas platform offers a friendly and versatile interface adapted to different devices, from PCs to mobile devices. Furthermore, it includes real-time collaboration functions, SSL certifications for data protection, and tools to manage users and permissions accurately. Among its features are the sharing and viewing of videos, real-time information source control, and tools for annotations and chat, enhancing communication and problem-solving.

But how does Jupiter address cybersecurity, a growing concern in the digital age? The commitment to security is evident in their development and release process. They adopt secure coding practices, prioritize SSL encryption for data communication, and are open to implementing multi-factor authentication if the customer requests. Moreover, Jupiter remains proactive, developing fixes and updates to address vulnerabilities and ensure software integrity.

Those interested in delving into Jupiter’s products and services should visit their partner portal and follow their updates on LinkedIn. Both spaces are rich in information and show Jupiter’s dedication to staying at the forefront:

  • Jupiter Reseller Portal – requires access approval
  • Jupiter on LinkedIn

In summary, adaptability, innovation, and commitment to security make Jupiter Canvas ideal for those looking to manage information effectively and securely in an increasingly connected world.

Lastly, Jupiter Systems has a Security Incident Response Plan in place in case of any setbacks, ensuring user peace of mind and confidence. With the promise of staying at the cutting edge, Jupiter continues to make a difference in digital graphic management.