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Jupiter’s Ecosystem
Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August 11, 2021 - "Together, we are stronger" is a statement that can be used in personal as well as professional settings. For those working in the mission-critical command and control environments, the complexity and challenges of today’s work environment and the need to collaborate with remote team members is not a want but a must. Access to endpoints ranging from onsite desktops to mobile phones and tablets facilitates collaboration in critical environments like command-and-control centers.

Collaboration software such as Canvas, streamlines the observation of occurrences, allowing orderly and efficient management of critical events. Additionally, dynamic responses for decision-making also allow for decisive and appropriate action. Real time collaboration with others in your company enables you to stay connected and in the loop anytime, anywhere.

Canvas makes collaboration flexible and maximizes the operation of various devices in different command and control centers. Because of this, there is also a requirement that processors be prepared for this new wave and expand the capabilities of decentralization and distribution, which are essential to the demands of new information flows.

The current pandemic demonstrates the need for collaboration and participation of people via virtual remote work techniques and spaces. 

In this scenario, Jupiter Systems, through its pioneering spirit and anticipation of trends, launched a line of video wall processors such as CRS 5K, Catalyst V and Catalyst XL all of which support Canvas, Jupiter’s collaboration software which not only allows users to connect multiple video walls and conference rooms but powering large LCD screens such as the Pana 105, a 21:9, 5K display that will catch your eye from anywhere. With the collaboration software, processors, and displays Jupiter products, can fulfill any requirements you may have. 

By Nilton Mendes