Jupiter Systems Presents Canvas, a Game Changing Collaborative Visualization Solution for the Enterprise – Canvas provides the ability to see every corner of the enterprise and share operational information in real time from any location on any device for better decision-making.
Jupiter Systems, the leading worldwide supplier of collaborative visualization solutions, today demonstrated its game changing Canvas 2.0 suite, the new generation of its award-winning visual business intelligence software for the enterprise. Canvas enables customers to access all of the visual information in the corporate network—camera feeds and real time data—and share it with remote colleagues on virtually any device. A rich set of collaboration tools allows users to manage and monitor global operations extending from supply chain management, to production, sales, and distribution.
“Sharing a common operation picture is essential to effective management, but until now a 360-degree view of operations has typically been limited to managers in one central location,” said Brady O. Bruce, Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Alliances at Jupiter. “The traditional solution requires managers and operators to be in the same room at the same time looking at the same screen in order to review and analyze information. In today’s increasingly mobile and distributed enterprise that’s just not realistic. With Canvas, far-flung users can share video and data streams from anywhere in the network and collaborate with colleagues on mobile devices, PCs, and in conference rooms no matter where they are. A rich set of collaboration tools allows them to annotate directly on live video, draw on a shared whiteboard, chat and interact in powerful new ways. The ability to visualize critical content and collaborate with remote colleagues from almost any networked device is essential for the global enterprise, and it will become the new industry standard,” said Bruce.
Canvas enables managers of global enterprises to access essential information, communicate and problem solve in real time, anywhere, on almost any device, as if all participants were gathered in one place. Canvas is deployed in a wide variety of industries, including a Fortune 500 healthcare products company with more than a dozen manufacturing operations around the world, a bank that must monitor an extensive network of ATM machines and other facilities, and a large electrical utility managing a smart grid spanning some of the US’ most populous areas.
Canvas is well suited to the needs of the enterprise and government agencies across industries, including education and training, security, defense, healthcare, retail, oil and gas, public safety, public and private utilities, traffic and transportation, and finance.
Complementary to products from more traditional collaboration vendors
Investing in Canvas solutions does not require a complete overhaul of an organization’s existing visualization system – instead, Canvas can be an add-on to existing UCC products and infrastructure. Canvas is directly connected to sources of critical business information and can add a layer of rich context and interaction to products from more traditional collaboration vendors, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Polycom or Avaya. Rather than the more general collaboration capabilities (apps, screen sharing, conferencing, IM, mobile clients, and telepresence), Jupiter’s Canvas excels in its ability to handle large volumes of real-time media streams, including live video of operations and business intelligence data. Jupiter’s Canvas also enables collaboration with large groups, multiple sub-groups, and transient participants simultaneously. Unlike more traditional collaboration solutions, Canvas also offers the ability to:
· Share and view real-time media streams (video, data, and more)
· Annotate and comment on streams in real-time
· Review media and annotations separately and in context
· Manage the visual presentation of information within a collaborative event
Canvas provides access to information when and where it is needed, along with powerful tools for multisite collaboration, and is especially useful in operations that require dynamic monitoring and rapid response to real time events. Canvas enables more productive meetings with remote participants, collaboration with external organizations or individuals, and greater efficiency where mobility and the preference to “bring your own device” is key. Canvas is an optimal solution for a variety of situations such as engagement with distant experts, management and monitoring of global operations, supply chain management, distribution, and remote service and support where traditional UCC capabilities, such as conferencing, document sharing, and IM, fall short of the task.
Founded in 1982, Jupiter Systems has empowered organizations large and small, public and private, by providing them with a revolutionary way to see their businesses. The company pioneered video wall technology, allowing users to access large numbers of video sources and put them anywhere on a wall comprised of many displays. Jupiter was the first product allowing users to run Windows applications directly on the video wall. The innovative idea was to provide everyone in the room with a common operating picture, from which to manage operations and respond quickly to emerging situations.
Later Jupiter was among the first to realize that it was no longer sufficient for managers to gather in front of a display wall in a single centralized control room – information needs to be more widely shared and on a wider array of devices. In 2012 it introduced Canvas, a cross-platform, collaborative visualization system for the enterprise that allows users to access all of that visual information on almost any device—anytime and anywhere. Colleagues around the world can share the same streams of video and data and collaborate to manage processes, monitor events, and problem solve in real time.
How Canvas Works
Canvas allows users to share sources on PC’s, mobile devices, and video walls via LAN/WAN, Wi-Fi, and 3G/4G mobile networks. Unique in the industry, Canvas allows users to annotate directly on live video streams, circling or labeling objects in real time, as events unfold. No matter what needs attention or who sees it first, regardless of their location, team members can quickly and easily share their analysis and feedback on any situation captured in a stream. With Canvas, smartphones and tablets can also be sources of live video for sharing. Canvas enables remote team members in any location to simply point their device at anything of interest and share live video with remote colleagues as part of the overall monitoring and collaboration. No matter what needs attention or who sees it first, any situation captured in a stream can be shared quickly and easily with team members, regardless of their location.
Canvas is also a highly secure system, authenticating users via the customer’s own Active Directory server. User permissions, including access to specific sources and features are assigned and managed by the system administrator. Role-based security makes management of large numbers of users and permissions easy and flexible, by assigning privileges to cadres of users who share a common role in the enterprise.
Employing a superior security design, Canvas provides object-level security for all sources, eliminating the possibility of inadvertent disclosure of restricted content. The system actively prevents users from sharing sources with any user who lacks appr