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Chief Provides Award-Winning Fusion™ Mounts for Unique HD Video Arch at InfoComm 2011
Posted on Friday, June 17, 2011

Fusion mounts are being used in conjunction with Brightsign controllers, flixio content and Philips commercial LCDs

Minneapolis, MN. USA (JUN 2011) - Chief, the industry leader in professional AV solutions, joins Brightsign, flixio and Philips to provide visitors to InfoComm 2011 with a visual treat with high impact. The companies combined efforts to create a massive digital video arch on display right now in the Digital Signage Pavilion.

The arch, consisting of Brightsign digital controllers, Philips commercial displays, flixio content and Chief’s award-winning Fusion mounts, reaches a height of 108 feet (33 meters) and spans more than 139 feet in length (42 meters).

The seven Philips displays are held in place by Chief’s Fusion Flat Panel Portrait Tilt Wall Mounts (MTAPU), creating a seamless, quick install that’s perfectly aligned. The MTAPU includes time-saving features that aid in reducing the cost of construction of the digital archway.

The innovative Fusion series offers installers a number of beneficial features, including Controlzone™ leveling, an industry-first feature that allows installers to level displays even after installation. The Fusion series also offers Centerless Shift capabilities, providing installers the flexibility of 17.5 inches of lateral shift, thereby providing limitless centering capabilities.

In recent years, the Fusion series has been recognized with many accolades, including the CE Pro BEST Award, the Resi Award from Residential Systems and Custom Retailer’s EXC!TE Award.

Chief also provided the newly designed PAC260 digital media player mounts for the media players that will provide synchronized video for the display. The PAC260 is rated to hold components weighing up to 30 pounds (13.6 kg) and is available in several configurations. This new solution allows installers to mount digital media players directly to a 100 x 100 VESA mount, an existing wall mount or a pole mount.